At a time when economic conditions are forcing business owners to be more conscious about costs and waste, the stainless steel RocketTM, a portable whipped cream dispenser renown for exceptional durability, offers the most cost effective way to meet consumer demands.
Simple to use, just fill it with heavy cream, pressurize, and dispense. RocketTM systems will dramatically increase your cash flow and profits, improving quality, and reducing your operating costs without decreasing portion size or increasing prices.
The unique design of RocketTM increases operational efficiency. Unlike other methods, the whipped cream is dispensed through a flexible hose so multiple portions are served effortlessly, and the spring actuated dispensing control regulates the flow of the whipped cream.
Beyond choosing the right dispenser and utilizing quality ingredients, another factor that can't be overlooked in serving the finest whipped cream is the cleanliness of your equipment. The “power-flush” method simplifies the cleaning process so you can sanitize your RocketTM without disassembling it.